Always Faithful Dog Training

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Communicate Like A dog…

Humans. We are a complicated species. The way we communicate has truly evolved in recent time. Just 25 years ago we communicated completely different than we do today. I blame smart phones. But what about your dog? Has your dog changed the way it communicates? That answer is and always will be NO.

Humans use their ears first to listen, then their eyes to see and lastly, we use our nose to smell. The dog however does it in a different order. That order is nose, eyes, then ears. Knowing that order is an important tool in training the dog properly. For instance, allowing the dog to sniff you first can build an early trust. And when we allow the sniffing, it is also important to ignore the dog and not attempt to get into its space or even establish eye contact.

Humans do it opposite…when we meet someone new, we establish eye contact, shake hands (touch them) and hopefully don’t attempt to sniff them. The way a human introduces itself would appear rude to the dog and the way the dog introduces itself would appear strange to the human.

The good news is that your local Always Faithful Dog Trainer is an expert in the way a dog communicates and will teach you how to communicate properly with your dog. Want to learn to communicate like a dog? Contact your local Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!