Always Faithful Dog Training

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Doggy Culture Shock

This week’s question has to do with dog breeds.  Will AFDT work with all dog breeds?  The answer has always been and will always be YES.  As trainers we respect each breed and want to help owners understand how to fulfill each breed.  Some breeds need more intense jobs and exercise (on a daily basis) in order to be fulfilled.  It’s important to educate the owner and help them fulfill the breed as the pack leader of the house.

That brings me to my next point.  Some breeds have a bad rap.  State Farm agents call these breeds the big seven…aka the seven dog breeds that will make your home insurance rate go up if you mention you own one.  They are rottweilers, akitas, german shepherds, chows, mastiffs, great danes and of course the notorious P.I.T (pitbull).

These seven breeds are only chosen because of the potential injuries sustained from the power of their bites but they are never the seven breeds that bite the most people every year.  For many years the breed that bit the most kids were cocker spaniels.  Furthermore, dogs almost never randomly attack people.  The environment they are in normally reflects the reason for the aggressive and dominant behaviors.

Culturally, certain breeds have been painted as evil or even militant.  Malinois and german shepherds are known as police or military dogs for instance.  This can create fears and phobias for people who grew up in settings that showed dogs working in such a manner. 

One example is when George Foreman fought Muhammed Ali in Kinshasa, Zaire.  Foreman had been an avid german shepherd lover most of his life and decided to bring his shepherd “Dago” into Zaire with him for the fight. Just a few years earlier (while under Belgian rule) the Belgian military used shepherds as part of their forces.  Culturally, the people of Zaire despised and feared shepherds which created issues for Foreman.

These cultural fears need to be understood in order to be rectified. 

Always Faithful Dog Trainers will always educate owners on breeds and help them fulfill the breed to it’s fullest.  Want to learn more?  Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today.