Doggy Daycare or Doggy Don’t Care!?

This week’s question revolves around doggy daycare.  Should dog owners use them or not?  The answer to this question is almost always NO from a reputable certified trainer.  Why is that?  Let’s discuss.

Improperly Trained Staff

This is my biggest reason to NOT use doggy daycare.  A teenage staff combined with no certified dog trainers is a huge recipe for disaster.  A reputable certified trainer will not be working at the doggy daycare (as they are busy training) but the staff should be trained by one so they can understand the basics of dog energy and body language.  Would you trust leaving your child in a setting with untrained staff and other children in charge?    

Dangerous Environment

A properly executed daycare environment is focused on safety, health, cleanliness, comfort, and space.  Being able to separate dogs according to size and temperament (if needed) is important as well.  Avoid places with questionable fencing and cheap set-ups.  Dog friendly AstroTurf, state of the art enclosures, water stations and lots of acreage is a must.  Smaller sized daycare facilities (such as those in big cities) should be run by trained staff who walk the dogs (properly) several times a day (to compensate for lack of acreage).

Reinforcing Negative Behaviors/Picking Up Negative Behaviors

I have had countless clients tell me over the years that their dog got worse at doggy daycare.  This always goes back to the untrained staff.  Dogs (like kids) will easily pick up bad behaviors at doggy daycare.  If they can get away with ANYTHING at daycare they will try the same behaviors at your house.

When to say yes to doggy day care…

Reputable doggy day care will have properly trained staff that understand the body language and behavior of all the dogs at their facility.  That should always be the foundation of your decision to send you dog off to daycare.  Secondly, the facility should be safe and clean.  Many daycares DO NOT cover injuries to your dog for any reason.  I recently had a client whose dog was badly injured on sharp/shoddy fencing at a local daycare.  The dog required over 20 stiches and the daycare refused to pay for the vet bill. 

Last but not least, avoid daycares that are do-it-all facilities.  Some so-called trainers will offer daycare at board and train facilities to compensate for lack of business.  If they lack business as a trainer, they are almost always not a good fit for your dog as a daycare.  A focused daycare will focus on just that…daycare. 

Properly trained staff, safe and clean environment, and focused on the task at hand.  That’s when to say yes to doggy daycare!

Looking to have your dog trained by the best certified trainers in the business?  Contact your local Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!  


Board and Train or Board and Complain?


Charlie The Chow!