Always Faithful Dog Training

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Dealing With Aggression

This week’s question was presented to our training consultant and world-renowned animal expert Kurdt Greenwood.

Hi Kurdt, how do you deal with aggression when dealing with all the animals you encounter…what is your experience on dealing with dogs with aggression?

“In my experience dealing with aggression in a dangerous captive animal can be difficult if you have not worked with the animal from a young age before they can physically harm you.

So, for example with the lions you have to be very consistent and observant with the young cubs you are raising. You have to create a formula that works for you and the other handlers. Consistency is key and you have to address frustrated and angry cubs with dominant energy to let them know from young age that you will not put up with any of that negative behavior. For us a little bamboo whip on the nose on the walks worked well and if they misbehave before the walk they will skip the walk and see the other cubs go out on an adventure, that is a good form of correction. I would also let the best behaved lion get to eat first and get a bit more meat than the naughty ones. And soon they pick up good behavior = more outings and better meal portions

All that said I don't believe any wild animal is really aggressive, unless there is something mentally wrong with the animal, its more that they are territorial, hunting or defending themselves…that's why I can get so close to Black Mambas and other animals considered aggressive, because they actually are not aggressive they just don't want big dangerous animals like humans too close to them so they defend themselves and if you treat them with respect and a calm energy you can get very close to them without triggering aggression.

With dogs its a bit different because of all the breeds and so many different environments, but an aggressive dog has normally been abused, neglected or just allowed to take over the territory at home with no discipline. Well raised dogs would not be aggressive unless there is something mentally wrong with the animal.”

Do you fear any animal that you have encountered?

“I don't really fear any animal, just have more respect for some, I feel respect is healthier than fear and best way to deal with animals that can potentially kill you. That said I feel Hippos are by far the most dangerous and most unpredictable animal to deal with. They are extremely territorial and anyone that comes into their territory they will charge. Even though they look slow, they can run over 30kmh, faster than humans on land. They are easily agitated and have one of the strongest bites of any animal in the world. When traveling to remote places in Africa with rivers you always have to be on the lookout for hippo tracks as to not surprise one in its territory because of how unpredictably powerful they are. Hippos are very well adapted to water and land, just all-round incredibly powerful and intelligent beasts.

When you deal with animals in their environment like water its best to have spent a lot of time in water without any dangerous animals in it, so that by the time you go diving with sharks or crocs your not still focusing on your diving but all your energy is going to the animal, the animals can also pickup if you struggling to swim or dive so you need to be fit and prepared to dive with dangerous animals. I do breathing training so that I can keep my breath under water for at least 3min on a free dive. That way I have limited the odds stacked against me and I can focus on the animal and not the environment I am in.

The best way to deal with a dangerous animal attack that is more powerful than you is to not end up in a situation with the animal where he is attacking you, it means you have not read the signs from the animal leading up to the attack. But if you have missed all the signs and have no other options available and you can’t run away or climb a tree, you should try to make yourself larger (pick up stick or big rock) stand your ground making big movements and sounds to show the animal you are strong and healthy and won't go down without a big fight. Animals prefer easy food over dangerous food.”

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