Reading Your Dog

Energy, exercise, establishing rules, walking routine…these are some of the most important ways a human can establish leadership with their dog.  But what about reading them?  Not like a book but instead reading their body language. 

Is this another important step to becoming the pack leader?  Yes, it is. 

Reading your dog’s body language is in some ways MORE important than some of the items mentioned above.  Dogs communicate with body language and dogs are constantly looking at their humans to see what their body language is saying to them.  If your angry perhaps your dog goes into a frightened or anxious state…if your happy perhaps your dog responds with a playful or excited state. 

Body language is also a way dogs communicate with other species of animals. 

Reading your dog’s body language is important because some of the body language will require a specific response from the human.  Here is a list of the most common canine body language:










*Calm and Neutral

Learning to read your dog’s body language is a critical step in becoming the pack leader of the house.  Want to learn more?  Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!


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