Always Faithful Dog Training

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Avoiding Emotional Extremes

Humans are the most emotional species on the planet.  We can go through a series of emotions in just a matter of seconds.  We rarely live in the moment and instead focus on the past or worrying about the future.  All these things are completely opposite of how dogs do things.  Dogs live in the now.

Whatever is happening right now, is how the dog is reacting.  It brings a new meaning to now or never. 

Emotional extremes are one of the biggest issues humans have in training their dogs.  When the emotions are extreme it disrupts the harmony of the pack and makes it nearly impossible to have any balance. 

Your dog wants a calm, assertive, confidant pack leader AND will not follow you if you are unstable in your emotions.  Dogs DO NOT follow unstable pack leaders…matter of fact humans are the only species that follow unstable leaders!  Dogs and any other species DO NOT follow unstable leaders.   

If you are yelling at your spouse or kids half the day, if you are screaming for the touchdown your team just scored, if you are constantly kissing, hugging, or praising your dog, you are guilty of emotional extremes.

Want to learn how to be a calm, assertive, confidant STABLE pack leader?  Contact one of our certified Always Faithful Dog Trainers today!