Always Faithful Dog Training

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Group Class or Group Pass?

One of the worst feelings I have as a trainer is when I walk into PetSmart or past the local park district and see a group class in session. On paper things seem great, get a bunch of dogs together and walk around in circles for 30-45 minutes. But from a dog psychology perspective this is one of the most uncontrollable situations a dog owner will find themselves in, whether they know it or not.

Let’s start with who is controlling the class…is it a certified trainer? Or just some random employee being told what to do. Can they read the dogs’ energy and body language? Are they ready to intercede if needed to stop a dog fight? Nearly every single time I have seen this situation the answer is NO.

I have even recently seen a group class where the so-called trainer was walking around with a big coffee mug in one hand and not even watching/looking at the dogs. Just wandering aimlessly drinking coffee! Is this really the type of person you want to trust with your dog’s safety? With your safety?

If you are going to sign up for a group class you need to investigate who is running the class and how involved they will be in the class. Look up their background, how long they have been handling dogs, are they certified? If they have little experience and no certification do not sign up. Even if it’s free. Keep in mind a certified trainer with experience isn’t going to offer free group classes in the first place. You get what you pay for in the dog training world!

Now let’s discuss the dogs in the group class…how do you know they will get along? Often times people get involved in group classes to solve major behavior issues like dog to dog aggression…this can be the last place that person should be with their dog. Proximity to a dog is a huge issue that many owners are unaware of. Many trainers are unaware of proximity as well.

A dog fight with 8 different dogs and 8 different humans within a small radius is one of the most dangerous things that can happen in any dog owner’s life. Keep in mind all the dogs are on leash as well and can’t escape the fight most of the time. They are restricted by leash and that creates more problems. It takes just a millisecond for dogs’ leashes to get tied up together during a dog fight on leash as well…

The bottom line is group classes are almost never a good scenario for any dog. Dog parks offer more of a safety net because the dogs are free to roam without the restriction of a leash. This allows the flight mechanism to happen if needed.

So, before you sign up at local group class be sure to evaluate if it is something that will actually improve your dogs behavior or make it worse. Be sure to evaluate if you think it would be a safe environment for you or your dog. Often it is not.

Want to get your dog help the right way? Contact a certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!