Always Faithful Dog Training

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Help Unwanted

This week’s question has to do with unwanted behavior…other than lack of exercise is there anything else that can cause unwanted behavior? 

The answer is yes.  Exercise is always first though because nothing gets resolved without proper exercise as a foundation.  Some of the other items are:

Unstable or incompatible energy from the human

Emotional extremes from the human create this scenario.  Sensitivity leads to insecurity…insecurity leads to tension and tension leads to things like growling, biting and charging.  Dogs can reflect human energy over time. 

Lack of mental stimulation for the dog

If you’re not challenging the dog’s brain, you are not mentally stimulating the dog.  Allow them to use their nose by tracking items and exploring outside, allow them to use their body by doing agility or carrying a weighted vest.  Teach them commands with obedience training.    

No rules or rule enforcement from the human to the dog

Pack leaders set up clear rules, boundaries and limits AND enforce them.  No exceptions. 

Too much affection

Petting and praising your dog for no clear reason.

Interested in learning more?  Contact you local Always Faithful Dog Training today.