Become Calm and Assertive with your Dog…

This week’s question revolves around some very important leadership traits for your dog.  Calm and assertive.  Dogs will not follow unstable pack leaders or ones with emotional extremes.  As trainers we often find ourselves in situations with lots of emotion from humans.  The human is agitated with the dog, or the human is having other emotional extremes with the dog.  This type of energy creates a situation where the dog doesn’t  trust or feel inspired to be led by the human. 

So how do we create an energy the dog will follow?  Let’s discuss. 

What is calm energy?  Calm is stillness, quiet and comfortable. 

Stillness is freedom from motion.  The less motion, the more control. 

Quiet is no conversation in your mind…live in the moment. 

Comfortable is being at ease in your body and mind. 

What is assertive energy? Assertive is positive, confident, and persistent.

Positive means your mind is settled and not wavering.  You have the attention.

Confident means you have no doubts.

Persistent means you will not give in.

If you can master being calm and assertive with your dog you will find yourself controlling one of the most important techniques in being the pack leader.  Want to learn more?  Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!


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