Choosing a Dog Trainer

Let’s face it, the dog training world is filled to the brim with some very odd training methods.  Just like there are backyard breeders there are also backyard trainers.  Some training methods are way too soft and spoil a dog with things like liver sausage as a reward and others are too harsh and literally electrocute a dog to deter negative behavior.

Which method is right and which method is wrong…in the words of Dalton from the movie “Road House” opinions vary.

I have experienced many different trainers during my 23 years in dog training.  Treat trainers, clicker trainers and on occasion I have experienced trainers who use shock collars.  I even know of a trainer who uses a whiffle ball bat to train a dog!

I realized in my early 20’s that all those methods do not work consistently, and those same trainers had to cater to certain dogs for their training to work.  For instance, many shock collar trainers have lots of experience with Malinois type breeds.  And many treat trainers have experience with food loving Labrador type breeds. 

Dog breeds that love food…treat trainers…dog breeds that can be strong willed, not food motivated and powerful…shock collars.  Two different ends of the spectrum but the same goal?

There are many trainers who claim a gold standard experience but what you really get is nothing more than bronze…similar looking but not the same.   

How about a training method that works universally on EVERY dog regardless of size, breed, or temperament?  What trainer can provide that?

How about a trainer who uses a dog’s natural instincts to train them?  A trainer who speaks dog and teaches the dog owner to speak dog.  Where can you find a trainer like that? 

You can find trainers like that with Always Faithful.  Every single one of our trainers use such methods.  All of our trainers are IDTA certified and handle real dogs to get certified.  Real training, real results. 

If you want that type of experience for you and your dog, contact your local Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!    


Must Love Dogs…The Right Way!


Get in the Zone, The Doggy Zone!