Always Faithful Dog Training

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Obsession For Dogs

Does your dog excessively lick or chew itself, chase shadows, chase reflections or run in small circles?  If so, your dog is displaying an obsession behavior. 

What are the causes of obsession?

There are two main causes of obsession.  One is easy to correct, and the second can be difficult to correct.  Cause number one is lack of exercise.  Your dog’s pent-up energy needs to be released and your dog will display that obsession behavior UNTIL it is released. 

The second main cause is insecurity.  This is normally caused by a traumatic event that happened to your dog when it was younger (puppy).  When a dog displays insecurity it normally means there is little to no pack leadership and direction happening in its environment. 

That insecurity leads to excess energy which leads to obsessive behavior and fuels the obsession.  It’s a vicious cycle for the dog.

Insecurity creates anxiety, anxiety puts your dog into a constant alert state, which creates excess energy.  Excess energy creates obsession behavior. 

Want to find out how to overcome obsessive behavior?  Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today.