If You Smell What Your Dog Is Cooking!

This week’s question is about how dogs meet/greet people…why do so many dogs seem to sniff people when they meet or greet them?

The reason is very simple.  A dog’s nose forms its reality.  Dogs use their senses to form a reality and the nose is the first sense they use. 

A dog’s reality starts with its nose, then goes to its eyes, then ears. 

Nose, eyes, ears.

This is why when dogs meet each other they do it in an indirect manner.  They don’t start off by establishing eye contact, instead they circle each other a few times, sniff each other out, examine the energy of each other AND then decide if they want to interact or not.  If they decide to interact that is when they normally establish eye-contact for the first time. 

Humans do it much differently.  We ALWAYS establish eye contact first, then give a hug or a handshake.  To a dog this behavior would be rude OR create an anxious, over-excited state.

The best way to meet and respect a new dog is to ignore it and allow it to approach you indirectly.  Allow it to sniff and sense your energy.  If it wants to interact it will normally lick your hand or nudge you with its nose. 

Want to learn more?  Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!     


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