Becoming The Pack Leader!

In the human world being the boss is equivalent to being a pack leader to a dog. It normally means you get paid more than the humans below you and have your own office or other perks to the job. Paid vacation, bigger bonuses etc. The people below your position are expected to listen to your instructions and get the tasks you assign them done in a timely manner.

But what does it mean in the dog’s world to be a pack leader? Does the dog care if you make more money or get your own office? Not at all. Does the dog care if you drive an Aston Martin? Not at all. Does the dog care if you have a 5k suit on? Not at all. So, what does the dog really care about? Let’s discuss.

There are 5 techniques that establish you as a pack leader. One of the five techniques is establishing rules, boundaries and limitations AND enforcing them. Let’s briefly look at each.

1. Rule-standard of conduct

2. Boundary-anything marking a limit or boundary to stop

3. Limitations-the point where something ends or must end

If you are consistent with techniques that establish your pack leadership, you create balance and harmony inside your pack. Do you want to create balance and harmony for your dog? If so, contact your local Always Faithful Dog Trainer today and learn how to become the pack leader.


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