Always Faithful Dog Training

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Pđź’©tty Time!

This week’s blog question tends to be a real stinker💩💩💩…in a literal sense.  Potty training!  It is a problem that every single dog owner wants solved and sometimes the only goal a dog owner has for their dog.  Going to the bathroom properly is important to humans and not just when they have dogs.  Anyone with kids can attest, getting out of diapers and teaching your children to use the bathroom properly is a very big deal…often celebrated with candy and cheering! 

But how do we get that 150lb Great Dane to pee outside and not create a small river inside the house?  Or how do we teach that Teacup Yorkie (with a bladder the size of a pea) to wait a few hours before going?

Let’s discuss. 

The first thing humans need to understand is that dogs use their scent to mark things.  And they will normally use their scent to mark over things…meaning if your dog smells another dog’s scent on that mailbox next door, they will normally use their scent to mark over it.  Marking can be a dominant behavior so part of the solution will be to (as always) establish leadership.  Establishing leadership will come through a good walking routine and that is also where the dog is normally marking. 

With a good walking routine, the dog’s ability to mark every single tree, mailbox and bush will be reduced.  You will still allow your dog time to go the bathroom, but you would now command it.  We teach our clients to walk their dogs in such a way.

But what about going to the bathroom in the house or in places you don’t want the dog to go to the bathroom (like your flower beds etc)?  This part of the potty routine comes down to controlling house freedom/environment, a good feeding routine and creating a routine that allows no accidents (by controlling the environment).

Here are some dos and don’ts of potty training…

*Do have a consistent feeding routine, this will create consistency on WHEN the dog needs to go to the bathroom

*Do control the walks, this will control the dog’s ability to mark

*Do control the environment, this means don’t allow your dog to roam without supervision UNTIL they are potty trained

And here is some don’ts…

*Don’t open feed, terrible for leadership and terrible for potty training as it makes the dogs potty time inconsistent (among other things)

*Don’t allow your dog freedom in the house until they have earned it by not having ANY accidents for at least 2 weeks

And the biggest DON’T is to NEVER send your dog to any “training camp” that claims to do potty training for you…potty training is environmental and situational.  They may get your dog potty trained in that environment, but it will never be potty trained IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT unless it is potty trained in your environment. 

Potty training must happen at the place you want that dog potty trained.  I have had countless clients try to get their dog potty trained by sending them off to some random training camp and they end up getting a dog back that still poops/pee’s all over the house upon return…save your money and hire a real trainer, that will get real results, in your environment, in your situation.

Another HUGE reason I am such a strong advocate for private in-home training lessons when it comes to dog training.    

Want those results?  Contact your local Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!