Always Faithful Dog Training

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Tricks and No Treats

One of the best ways to fulfill and stimulate your dog’s mind is to go above and beyond the typical games most people play with them.  Fetch and chasing the cloth stuffed toys are fine but challenging them beyond that can help overcome boredom behaviors.  Here are some games owners can play with their dog that challenge them mentally and physically. 

·         Walk a new path.  Explore the local forest preserve or find new areas to walk that your dog has never seen or smelled. 

·         Give your dog a job.  Agility training, tracking training or even a game of frisbee can help mentally and physically challenge your dog.

·         Interactive games that use your dogs’ instincts and skills.  Some of my favorites involve your dog using its scenting ability. 

·         Structured play dates.  Meeting compatible dogs and allowing your dog to interact with them. 

Want to learn more?  Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today.