Dog Food For Thought…

The feeding routine is not only important to your dog’s health BUT also your dog’s behavior.  A proper feeding routine will not only ensure a healthy diet for your dog but will also set up the rules and boundaries necessary for your dog to understand who provides the food (the pack leader), when you provide the food and how long the dog has access to the food. 

Here are some important tools to use when feeding your dog…

1.       Never “free” feed your dog.  Once you put the dog food out set a timer for 15 minutes.  If the food isn’t gone or your dog isn’t actively eating it, pick the food bowl up and take away your dog’s access to it. 

2.       Many owners feed three times a day.  AFDT recommends either once or twice a day.  This helps regulate the potty routine and burn energy properly. 

3.       Pick consistent mealtimes for your dog.  This also helps regulate potty routines and gives your dog a schedule they can rely on.

4.       Pick food that has high quality ingredients.  Always pick food that starts with meat, chicken or fish on the ingredients list.  Avoid cheap foods with lots of fillers. 

Your dog’s diet is your choice and can greatly impact your dog’s physical and mental health. 

Want to learn more?  Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!


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