The Direction Of Your Affection

One thing humans NEVER lack toward their dogs is affection. Affection for humans is much different and much more complex than it is for dogs. Human affection is intellectual and emotional whereas the dog’s affection is instinctual.

If you use affection on your dog at the wrong time it can reinforce a behavior that you don’t want reinforced and your dog will use that exact behavior again in an attempt to get the misguided affection you gave it at that time. So how AND when do we use affection on a dog? Let’s discuss.

The first rule is to never give your dog any form of affection UNLESS they are in a calm, submissive state. Never give your dog affection when they are anxious, excited or fearful. When you give your dog affection while they are in those states you are telling your dog “it is ok to feel this way” and they will use those states to try and get more affection from you. You will be reinforcing whatever is causing the anxious, excited or fearful state.

Furthermore, since dogs live in the moment, you are not changing their state by giving them affection. You are only reinforcing that state.

Once your dog is in a calm, submissive state AND they are doing something you want to reinforce, that is when it is an appropriate time to give them affection. A few ways to give affection are:

1. Positive tone (good boy, good girl etc)

2. Petting

3. Brushing

4. A favorite activity (fetch, leadership walk, exploring the local forest preserve)

Affection is a very powerful tool in the fulfillment formula and when used properly can truly shape the best behaviors in your dog.

Want to learn more? Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today.


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