Bad To The Bone!

In the world of dog training there are many different people who will call themselves professional trainers.  And inside of that world there are many different methodologies that dog owners must siphon through in order to get ANY results.

Treat trainers rely on food to motivate your dog to do things.  But when the dog isn’t food motivated OR finds something more motivating than food (in that moment) you get a dog who will not be obedient.

Shock collar trainers rely on the fear of the shock to get the dog to be obedient.  But when the dog shuts down due to fear OR fights through it, you again, get a dog who will not be obedient. 

And when these same “trainers” are not getting results they will of course have excuses.  One of the biggest excuses you will hear is that your dog is simply having a bad day.  Really? 

Can a dog have a bad day?  Let’s discuss. 

A great trainer creates the environment the dog lives in.  They create rules, boundaries and limits the dog must abide by.  They create the energy inside and outside of the home the dog responds to.  This environment is artificial to the dog but under the right guidance is very consistent. 

Our training consultant Kurdt Greenwood agrees…

“with dogs in a controlled and consistent environment you should very rarely, if at all, have off days unless the environment you are creating for the animal is not 100%. The same for my lions, the off days I had with them were few and far in-between if we kept to a consistent routine with regular meals and lots of stimuli”

If you provide a consistent, fulfilling environment, with clear rules boundaries and limits you will never have a bad day with your dog.  Dogs don’t have bad days.  Dogs do, however, have bad trainers. 

Want to have great days with your dog?  Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today! 

No Treats, No Clickers, No Shock Collars, No Gimmicks!  Real Training, Real Results.™


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Obsession For Dogs