Can You Dig It?

Instinct is a word that is VERY important to rightly guided dog trainers. What does that word mean? It means to have a natural or innate impulse, inclination, or tendency. And when it comes to dogs ALL of them have natural or innate impulse behaviors.

The unfortunate part is many of these behaviors can become an annoyance or burden to the human. Let’s discuss one of them. Digging!

Digging for most dog breeds is a natural thing…instinctual. To the human with the beautifully manicured yard, it is an annoyance and costly burden. But what if you could redirect your dogs digging and fulfill the instinct at the same time?

Not only is that possible but it is also a great way for your dog to burn massive amounts of energy, which fulfills some of the exercise requirements needed daily for your dog. Many times, owners just want to eliminate digging but doing that doesn’t honor your dogs’ instincts. Instead, you should be redirecting your dog to dig in allowable areas such as a sand pit. You can even get more creative and bury things inside of the sand pit for your dog to find. Now you’re fulfilling the digging instinct and the tracking instinct!

Want to learn more? Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!


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