Calm & Confident Leadership

Humans are by far the most complicated species when it comes to emotions and stability.  We have a massive list of feelings.  But how does this play out when it comes to your dog’s behavior?  Let’s discuss.

Your dog has four major energy states.  Natural, Forward, Disengaged and Retreat. 

Humans on the other hand have at least 10.  Balanced, Reflective, Excited, Over Excited, Disconnected, Broken, Angry, Fearful, Unworthy and Failing.  Inside of these states are subcategories that make the human list much longer. 

The first thing ALL humans need to understand is your dog is NEVER going to follow an unstable pack leader.  Matter of fact, humans are the only species on Earth that follow unstable leaders!  Instability in the animal world creates chaos and very difficult living conditions.  This is why all animals (not just dogs) won’t accept anything but calm and confident leaders. 

Your dog needs stability from you and if you have emotional extremes present in your environment this will ALWAYS create issues when it comes to your dog’s behavior.  It’s a dog’s natural instinct to only follow calm and confident energy and if they do not get it from the human in the house, they will either become it or follow it somewhere else. 

Want to learn more about becoming a calm and confident pack leader?  Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today. 


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