The Fulfillment Formula…

The fulfillment formula for every dog has three main ingredients. Those are emotional fulfillment, psychological fulfillment and physical fulfillment.

Oftentimes dog owners are fulfilling one or two of these but without making sure all three are fulfilled you may find yourself with an unbalanced dog, which will lead to behavior issues. Let’s discuss.

Emotional: You are providing your dog with love. You lead them with confident and calm leadership. You avoid emotional extremes.

Psychological: You give your dog a job based off its breed if possible. A job that uses its natural breed specific abilities is always best but if not, ANY job is better than no job.

Physical: You give your dog at least 45 minutes of exercise every single day, no exceptions. You explore with them and lead them at the same time.

If you are following this formula, you will find yourself with a dog that is not only fulfilled but also balanced and well behaved.

Want to learn more? Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today!


A Walk to Adventure!


Calm & Confident Leadership