Exercise First…

One of the most common issues our trainers see is lack of exercise that any given owner gives to their dog.  Many dog owners brush it aside not realizing the importance of DAILY exercise for their dog’s behavior.  Indeed, we hear it all “it’s 200 degrees here in Texas today, aint nobody walking their dog in this…” or “it’s 30 below zero in Traverse City today, not even my dog wants be outside!”

I got news for you, your dog almost always wants to be outside, hot or cold.  You should always take precautions in severe weather on either side of the spectrum, but dogs are made for being outside and have been given lots of tools to thrive in all kinds of weather conditions. 

Some owners even believe that having a big yard solves the problem of exercise because their dog runs around all day and “gets plenty of exercise” in that setting. 

If it was only as easy as having a big yard. 

Exercise starts with a proper walking routine.  That routine isn’t just about making sure the dog isn’t pulling, that routine also includes a good pace for AT LEAST 30 minutes twice a day.  And some dogs may need more than that.  This step is not an option but mandatory if negative behavior is going to change. 

Read that last line again…one more time…and again.  That’s how important exercise is. 

Another important aspect of this is that walking is a daily thing, and nothing replaces it.  Even if your dog ran the 2-acre yard for 5 hours that day, you still need your walk.  The walk is mental and physical. 

Furthermore, a proper walk reestablishes your leadership daily.

Exercise issues ALWAYS need to be addressed first before any training can start or work.  Until that dog has been fulfilled in that category NOTHING changes. 

This is why your Always Faithful Dog Trainer will help you establish a walking and exercise routine on the very first visit.

Contact your local Always Faithful Dog Trainer today and let them help get your dog’s exercise level fulfilled. 


Get in the Zone, The Doggy Zone!


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