What is a Dog?

Humans have MANY ideas on what their dog is. A dog to most people is their “constant companion” and “mans best friend” but what is the true definition of a dog? Let’s discuss.

First and foremost, your dog is an animal. A living organism that feeds on organic matter…or in our case a hairy 4-legged friend that feeds on organic dog food.

Secondly your dog is a species. A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals…or in our case a group of living organisms that have different sizes, shapes and temperaments.

Lastly, your dog is a breed. A stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance…or in our case a stock of animals that humans have evolved into a certain look.

Animal, species and breed are the natural influences in your dog’s life. Understanding these natural influences and working with them, not against them, is an important part of having a balanced dog.

Want to learn more? Contact your local certified Always Faithful Dog Trainer today.




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